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Over the years, significant efforts have been dedicated to solving problems in the construction industry through extensive time investment. Through innovative research, collaborative partnerships, and technological advancements and implementation of processes we have strived to enhance efficiency and overcome various challenges.

Slow Technology Adoption

Planning, Transparency and Trust has meant that we are able to become a Nucleus at the heart of construction for our clients and the framework. All parties trust us to implement any Technology that we believe to be of benefit to the project and all parties involved.

We stringently test and scrutinise any technology that we source or are introduced to, we then agree with the technology partners that if we are to adopt their technology on any of the projects we are going to work on, we must allow enough time for training and also there has to be a high level of support at no extra cost to any of the parties involved in the project. Pre Planning the launch phase of any new technology is vital to ensure a smooth process of adoption. Our clients and Framework partners are at ease knowing we have our fingers firmly on the construction technology pulse.

Lack of Skilled Workers

We have implemented Technology, Processes, and Supply Chain optimisation, this has allowed us to upskill and train our own internal staff, but due to relationships, we are able to attract and recruit talent from local apprentices to overseas workers via our sponsorship scheme partners.

We are not only able to carry this out in our own internal company, but we can also offer the program to our entire Supply Chain Framework members, achieving this was key to being able to protect the outcomes of our projects and help the industry move forward.

Mental Health

Our entire company offering goes a long way towards providing as much of a solution for this awful problem that is rife within construction as possible. We have consulted and held meetings with some of the most influential experts within Mental Health to go as far as possible to remove as much construction related stress as we can, we have then partnered with those same companies and experts to deliver Mental Health support to any individual affected by this awful illness internally and within our framework, We are also advocates and our community company will be creating digital media assistance Infogrammes to point individuals in the right direction as well as actively allocating funds for the Partners we have.

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