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What is Experian?

Experian gather, analyse and process data in ways others can’t.

We help individuals take financial control and access financial services , businesses make smarter decisions and thrive, lenders lend more responsibility, and organisations prevent identity fraud and crime.

As well as supporting over 21,700 consumers in 30 countries, we operate across a range of industries, from healthcare to agribusiness, from automotive to financial services and many more.

What does an Experian report tell you?

A credit report is a record of your history managing and repaying debt, often organised into several distinct sections : personal information, accounts, inquires , collections and public records.

What are the perks in signing up with Experian?

* By signing up, you get a FREE Experian credit score - join 13 million others who already have the UK’s most trusted credit score.

* Your Experian credit score is updated every 30 days if you log in.

* Automatic credit monitoring with alerts when key changes occur.

* We compare credit cards, mortgages and loans.

* Experian offer regular checks on your product eligibility and financial opportunities.

* FREE webinars - we provide free online webinars for marketing and credit specialists.

* Conference events throughout the year designed to enhance your industry knowledge.


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