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What is Etsy:

Etsy connects people looking for unique goods with independent sellers around the world.

How we work:

When you shop on Etsy.com, you can choose from millions of handmade, vintage, and craft supply items created and curated by millions of independent sellers.

Who are Etsy sellers?

Each item on Etsy is listed and sold by a seller who creates handmade items or curates vintage or craft supply goods.

How do I shop on Etsy?

Shopping on Etsy works the same as anywhere else online.

However, you’re not buying your items from Etsy, the company. Instead you’re buying directly from independent sellers.

What can you buy on Etsy?

Etsy hosts more than 100 million active listings across home, style and gifts. 

How do I buy and sell on Etsy?

Using Etsy is simple, easy and quick. Browse current listings and checkout as a guest.


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