Who are we?
Nexus Mutual is the leading on-chain insurance alternative.
We are the trusted partner for institutional clients, family offices , and crypto protocols that seek protection.
We also work with companies working in traditional insurance to take on excess risk.
What we do:
Our core purpose is to protect members from loss.
The Nexus Mutual protocol is built on Ethereum and provides the infrastructure for members to buy cover, underwrite risk, asses claims, and build risk management businesses.
Membership Perks:
• Buy discretionary cover products.
• Share risk with other members.
• Contribute funds to the Mutual and hold NXM tokens.
• Stake NXM, underwrite risk, and earn rewards.
• Stake NXM, assess claims, and earn rewards.
• Create and run risk management businesses.
• Put forward and vote on governance proposals.
• Contribute to the Nexus Mutual DAO.